
Huiyuan Group, as a high-tech enterprise specializing in waterproofing, has continuously enriched its product structure and extended its product line, forming a diversified product system of the group company, creating a "Huiyuan" brand and including modified asphalt waterproof membranes, self-adhesive asphalt waterproof membranes Materials, waterproof coatings, sealing materials, system supporting and special engineering special materials, five major categories, multiple series, hundreds of varieties and specifications of diversified product systems, widely used in Olympic projects, municipal administration, real estate, high-speed rail, subway, roads, bridges, tunnels , Water conservancy, national defense, petrochemical and other construction fields in more than 2,000 major projects and thousands of households in waterproofing projects. At present, all the company's engineering waterproof materials are inviting investment nationwide.
Sales model
In the field of engineering channel marketing, Huiyuan Group mainly conducts marketing promotion work through marketing methods such as brand marketing, event marketing, classic engineering marketing, technical marketing, and standard marketing. As the saying goes, first-class companies make standards, second-class companies make technology, and third-class companies make products. Through more than 20 years of marketing exploration, Huiyuan has gradually upgraded product marketing to a higher level of marketing waterproof systems. It will formulate standards, participating specifications, technical promotion, and waterproof systems (from waterproof design, providing supporting materials, construction , After-sales service integration) promotion and other forms of organic integration, sublimation and the formation of its own diversified corporate marketing concept, on this basis, using high-end marketing strategies such as major events, major projects, generous, large patterns, and gradually formed its own A sales model with Huiyuan characteristics.
Market analysis
1. Industry Overview
Building waterproof material is an integral part of building functional materials. After construction, the building waterproof material forms an integral waterproof layer on the surface of the building to achieve the purpose of waterproofing or enhance the ability to resist water penetration, so its quality and application effect play a very important role in the structural safety and life of the construction project.
The initial modern building waterproof material is asphalt linoleum originated in Europe. The production and application of our country began in the 1940s, and it was almost the only building waterproof material for a long period of time. Since the 1980s, China has begun to introduce advanced foreign equipment and technologies, and developed a variety of new building waterproof materials such as modified asphalt waterproof membranes, polymer waterproof membranes, and waterproof coatings. In the 1990s, the variety of building waterproof materials further expanded. So far, the products of building waterproof materials in China have formed six categories, namely: asphalt-based waterproof membranes, polymer waterproof membranes, waterproof coatings, and building seals. Materials, rigid waterproof materials and water stoppage materials, tile and metal plate waterproof materials. In recent years, with the development of the national economy and the continuous growth of the construction industry, China's construction waterproofing material industry has developed rapidly, new materials and new processes are increasing, production capacity has been significantly improved, and the product quality of some key enterprises has reached or reached the international Advanced level of similar products.
The application fields of building waterproof materials are very wide. At present, the main application fields include roofing, underground, exterior walls and indoors of house construction; municipal roads and bridges and underground space and other municipal projects; highways and high-speed railway bridges and tunnels; underground railways and other traffic projects ; Water diversion canals, reservoirs, dams, hydropower stations, water treatment and other water conservancy projects, etc. With the progress of society and the development of building technology, the application of building waterproof materials will extend to more fields.
2. Market conditions
(1) The application goals and completion status of building waterproof materials during the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period
During the "10th Five-Year Plan" period, China's demand for construction waterproofing materials continued to grow, with an annual increase of 12%. Among them, new construction waterproofing materials grew rapidly, and the product structure tended to be reasonable.
(2) Output of major construction waterproof materials in China in the past three years
The output of China's construction waterproofing materials has grown relatively steadily, but the pace of product structure adjustment is gradually accelerating. New construction waterproofing materials have grown rapidly. The growth rate in 2007 reached 25.95% and the total production reached 70% of the total construction waterproofing materials Although the production of asphalt linoleum traditionally backward construction waterproof materials still accounts for a certain proportion, it has shown a trend of accelerated decline in the past two years.
At present, the main markets for new construction waterproofing materials are concentrated in economically developed areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Shenzhen. In areas where economic development is relatively backward, due to the relatively high price of high-end new building waterproof materials, asphalt linoleum-based waterproof membranes mainly composed of asphalt composite tire flexible membranes still occupy a large market share.
(3) Production and sales ratio
According to the statistics of China Building Waterproofing Materials Industry Association, since 2003, the production and sales rate of building waterproofing materials in China has remained above 96%. On the whole, in recent years, the supply and demand relationship of China's building waterproofing material market has basically maintained a balance. Due to market consumption upgrades, high-end building waterproof materials have maintained a trend of prosperity in production and sales, while low-end products have shrunk due to poor quality and short service life.
3. Market development trend and capacity
Market development trend of building waterproof materials
China has experienced an era of material deprivation, forming an architectural concept that only pursues the basic use function of the building and despise the durability of the building. Under the influence of this architectural concept, China has not paid attention to the quality of building waterproofing projects for a long time, and the development of building waterproofing materials and technologies has been slow. This is also one of the main reasons for the low penetration rate of new building waterproofing materials in China.
In recent years, China has been aware of the problems in the building waterproof market. Therefore, relevant national departments have successively promulgated and implemented a series of industrial policies to guide the building waterproof material industry to standardize the product market and optimize product structure.
The development of China's construction waterproofing material industry presents the following trends:
(1) Further standardize the market, support advantageous enterprises, and eliminate backward products and production capacity
According to the current low concentration of China's construction waterproofing material industry and insufficient market competition, relevant state departments have made adjustments and optimizations by issuing industrial policies to further strengthen market regulation and help the poor to eliminate the disadvantages, thereby promoting the strength and strength of advantageous enterprises. At the same time, enterprises are further encouraged to improve their independent innovation and R & D capabilities, promote industrial technological advancement, comprehensively upgrade the industrial technology and equipment of building waterproof materials, eliminate backward production capacity, promote industry structural adjustment and industrial upgrading, so that the variety and quality of building waterproof materials can be fully Meet the needs of the development of housing construction and infrastructure projects.
(2) New construction waterproof materials are widely used
In 2001, the total application of new construction waterproof materials in China was only 143 million square meters, accounting for about 35% of the total construction waterproof materials. In 2007, the total application of new construction waterproof materials in China increased to 478.6 million square meters, accounting for about 70% of the total construction waterproof materials. The total application and the proportion of total construction increased by 2.35 times and 1 times compared with 2001 respectively And showing a good momentum of continuous growth.
(3) The application field of new building waterproof materials is further expanded
With the continuous increase of new waterproof materials and new processes, and the continuous improvement of the application technology of building waterproof materials, the application field of building waterproof materials has gradually expanded from the field of house construction to highways and urban roads and bridges, subways and urban rails, high-speed Infrastructure projects such as railways, airports and water conservancy facilities; building waterproofing parts have gradually extended from traditional roofing and underground mainly to indoors, exterior walls and other parts. The expansion of application areas has further strengthened the market demand for new construction waterproofing materials and promoted the stable and rapid development of the industry in recent years.
(4) New building waterproof materials and construction are developing in the direction of "four sections and one environment"
Building energy conservation is one of the top ten energy-saving projects in China. Currently, building energy consumption accounts for about 30% of the country's total energy consumption. Therefore, building energy conservation plays an important role in ensuring the sustainable development of the Chinese economy. With the technical progress and application promotion of the building waterproofing material industry, a number of building waterproofing materials and construction technologies with the concept of "four sections and one environmental protection" (energy saving, water saving, material saving, land saving and environmental protection) such as planting roof waterproofing materials began Get gradually promoted.
(5) Product standards gradually improved
From January to November 2007, the relevant departments of the building waterproofing material industry have released 8 waterproofing material product standards and 2 construction specifications, and 21 are currently being formulated and revised. With the gradual improvement of product standards, on the one hand, it will make the production of building waterproof materials more standardized, so as to better meet the functional needs of construction projects, on the other hand, it also promotes the standardization of China's waterproof industry to further integrate with the international advanced level.
4. Market capacity
(1) Product market development prospects
According to the "Outline of the" Eleventh Five-Year "Development Plan of China's Building Waterproofing Industry", by 2010, new building waterproofing materials will dominate the market of building waterproofing materials, with an application volume of 75 million square meters and a market share of 90.36%.
High polymer modified asphalt membrane is the mainstream product of new waterproof membrane. Since the mid-1980s, this kind of construction waterproof material has been used in China for more than 20 years, and its market share has increased year by year. The series of polymer modified asphalt coils mainly include SBS modified asphalt coils, APP modified asphalt coils and self-adhesive modified asphalt coils. According to the Ministry of Construction's "Opinions on Strengthening the Management of Production and Application of Building Waterproof Materials" and "Announcement on the Promotion of the Application and Restriction of the Prohibited Use of Technologies (First Batch) in the" Eleventh Five-Year Plan "of the Construction Industry (No. 659) and other relevant Policy, polymer modified bitumen membranes are all building waterproof materials that are encouraged to be promoted and applied. Among them, SBS modified asphalt membranes and APP modified asphalt membranes are suitable for waterproof grade 1 (especially important buildings) and grade 2 ( Important and high-rise, high-end buildings) roofing works and underground works (including subway) waterproof. It is estimated that by 2010, the application of SBS modified asphalt coils and APP modified asphalt coils will reach 28 million square meters, with an average annual growth rate of about 16.59%; the application of self-adhesive modified asphalt coils will reach 50 million square meters, annual The average growth rate is 25.59%.
Polymer waterproofing membranes mainly include synthetic rubber waterproofing membranes and synthetic resin waterproofing membranes. The main varieties are thermoplastic rubber membranes TPO (polypropylene-propylene rubber copolymer), PVC (polyvinyl chloride) waterproofing membranes, EPDM (Embodiment 3) waterproof membrane and so on. The polymer waterproof membrane is mainly used for roofing engineering and underground engineering waterproofing with waterproof grade one and two. By 2010, the total amount of polymer waterproof membrane is expected to reach 152 million square meters, with an average annual growth rate of 15.17%.
Building waterproof coatings mainly include polymer coatings such as acrylic waterproof coatings and polymer cement coatings, asphalt-based coatings and rigid coatings and other products. At present, China is focusing on the promotion and application of asphalt-based coatings, acrylic waterproof coatings and polymer cement coatings. It is estimated that by 2010, the application of waterproof coatings in China will reach more than 500,000 tons, with an average annual growth rate of 15.15%.
(2) Analysis of product application areas
During the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" period, China's construction projects have rapidly expanded from housing construction to infrastructure areas such as municipal administration, transportation, and power, forming a diversified waterproof field. With the expansion of the production scale of the construction industry, the demand for waterproof materials in China will continue to grow.
A. Housing construction market
Housing construction includes residential buildings, public buildings, industrial plants, etc.
Since the beginning of the 21st century, China's construction industry has continuously expanded its production scale and the construction area has steadily increased.
With the continuous growth of China's population, the acceleration of urbanization and the improvement of people's living and living conditions, the demand for housing construction in China will also further increase. At present, the ownership of various types of housing construction in China exceeds 40 billion square meters, of which The amount of possession is about 15 billion square meters. With the new construction of houses and the renovation of existing houses and buildings every year, the demand for building waterproof materials will show a steadily increasing trend.
B. Infrastructure
With the rapid development of China's economic construction and the advancement of waterproof technology, building waterproof materials are increasingly used in many fields other than house construction, such as highways and urban roads and bridges, subways and urban rails, high-speed railways , Airports and other infrastructure. The continuous growth of infrastructure investment provides a huge market space for the development of the building waterproofing material industry.
(A) Expressways and urban roads and bridges
The next 10-20 years will be a period of sustained and stable development of China's road and bridge construction. By 2020, the total mileage of national highways will reach more than 2.5 million kilometers, of which highways will reach more than 70,000 kilometers. The development of expressways has increased the market demand for new road and bridge construction waterproof materials such as special coiled materials for roads and bridges, fiber-reinforced modified asphalt coatings, and high-performance polyureas.
(B) Subway and city rail
China's subway and urban rail construction has entered a new stage of development. At present, there are more than 30 subway and urban rail lines under construction in 19 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. In the next 10 years, the total length of China's subway and urban rail lines can reach 1,700 kilometers, with a total investment of 620 billion yuan. The construction of subways and urban rails will greatly increase the demand for building waterproof materials.
(C) High-speed railway
High-speed railway is a sustainable resource-saving transportation mode. From 2006 to 2010, China will build 10,000 kilometers of high-speed railways (including passenger dedicated lines) with a total investment of over RMB 100 billion. The Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway with a total length of 1,318 kilometers and a total investment of about 220 billion yuan has completed the bidding work for civil engineering, engineering supervision and engineering consulting in January 2008, and is about to enter the construction phase. According to preliminary estimates, China's “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” period requires about 80 million square meters of waterproof coiled materials and about 64,000 tons of waterproof coatings for high-speed railway waterproof projects.
(D) Airport
In order to meet the development needs of the future aviation market, China will increase the intensity of airport construction. In the next five years, China will build more than 40 airports, with an investment scale of 140 billion yuan. New airport terminals and runways need to use a lot of waterproof membranes and coatings.
In addition to the above-mentioned fields, with the continuous growth of China's national economy, the development of hydropower facilities, port terminals, artificial lakes, nuclear energy facilities and other facilities will also be further accelerated, and the application of building waterproof materials in these fields will continue to grow.
Market support
1. Regional exclusive distribution brand authorization:
In principle, our company only recruits one waterproof paint distributor in each region. The company implements a strict regional general distribution system. For those who become distributors of Huiyuan waterproof coatings, the company uniformly authorizes red-headed documents and issues exclusive regional distribution bronze medals.
2. Large-scale medium and high-end advertising support:
The company has accumulated more than 200 million yuan in advertising and publicity expenses over the past ten years, which has established a good brand effect. Since 2009, the company's advertising will be no less than 10 million, and the advertising cost will be no less than 50 million in the next three years. The advertising media will involve CCTV, local TV, local radio stations, mainstream newspapers and magazines, industry newspapers and magazines and outdoor And terminal propaganda to form a strong brand influence across the country.
3. Comprehensive product and construction technical support:
According to the needs of dealers, the company will regularly organize product technical experts to carry out iterative product knowledge and technical training to help dealers master product knowledge and construction technology to better promote the market.
4. Regional one-to-one supportive marketing support:
Since the start of the national investment promotion, the company canceled the local offices, and a sales team composed of elite offices with rich experience in marketing combats conducted periodic and long-term one-on-one supportive start-up and promotion of the market for each dealer, and carried out in stages Marketing training meetings to help dealers quickly launch the market and achieve profitability.
5. Brand protection and anti-stringing support:
On the one hand, the company has perfected the product's anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting system identification, using advanced product coding, different channels and different packaging, and strict regional management to control counterfeit and shoddy products and regional exclusive distribution rights. The operating regions formulate strict regional sales policies and prohibit cross-regional operations, thereby strictly guaranteeing the interests of dealers and consumers, and letting dealers get rid of vicious competition.
6. Support for terminal materials and brand image display:
The company strictly implements the VI vision system of listed companies and has produced a wealth of terminal promotional materials, including exquisite picture books, product manuals, multimedia CD-ROMs, POP displays, etc. The company will distribute promotional materials uniformly according to the dealer's purchase quota.
7. Customer service and logistics system support:
1) The company has developed a perfect method of adjusting goods for dealers, which has reduced the losses and operating risks caused by the suppression of goods. If a product is unsaleable, the distributor can apply to the company for replacement of other varieties.
2) During the sales process of the distributor, if the quality of the product itself causes a user's claim, our company will have the strength and ability to bear all responsibilities based on the national test basis.
3) Open two 24-hour customer service hotlines of 400 and 800, and there are professionals who can answer various questions about products raised by customers at any time.
8. All-round cooperative marketing support:
1) Technical and training support, professional ability and technical level support, in the future, dealers will be provided with comprehensive training and guidance in construction management, mechanized construction, construction personnel, programs, etc., and technical difficulties for major customers. Solved by technical experts.
2) Constantly launch new products and services, and provide personalized service support.
3) Research and reception skills. The dealer's customer is the customer of Dongfang Huiyuan. The dealer's customer needs to have the working ability of Dongfang Huiyuan. In terms of inspection, reception, business trips, and customer research, we have advantages that other companies cannot match. We will use the company in Beijing. , Shanghai and other regions to help dealers develop markets.
4) Provide urgently needed, short-term financing payments.